Soil Retention System

Solder Pile and Timber Lagging in Kilbride - Ideal in situations where excavation is close to existing structures, property lines or other elements.

Photo of Timber Lagging in Kilbride

  • Fast to Construct!
  • Installation is Versatile!
  • Cheaper than Other Systems

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Photo of Timber Lagging

Photo of Soldier Pile

Photo of Residential Shoring
Photo of Soldier Pile and Timber Lagging Diagram

Cochren Foundation is a shoring contractor providing shoring for excavation on residential developments in Kilbride.

The soil retention system we use is called Solder Pile and Lagging. We use H beams for the piles and timber for the lagging. We do not provide soldier pile / timber lagging for excavations exceeding 10 to 12 feet deep in depth.

With over 30+ years of residential construction experience in Kilbride, our engineers and staff work efficiently to deliver long-lasting and cost-effective Soil Retention System.

Call Toll Free: 1-888-610-4959 or submit a Contact Form today to talk about your Solder Pile and Timber Lagging project in Kilbride.

About Soldier Pile Timber Lagging in Kilbride

Soldier beams and timber lagging in many cases will be the most economical choice for support of excavation.

Soldier pile and timber lagging walls are some of the oldest forms of retaining systems used in deep excavations. Soldier pile walls have successfully being used since the late 18th century in metropolitan cities like New York, Berlin, and London. The method is also commonly known as the "Berlin Wall" when steel piles and timber lagging is used.

Photo of Solder Pile and Timber Lagging in Kilbride

Soldier pile walls are formed by:

  1. Constructing soldier piles at regular intervals (6 ft to 12 ft, typical).
  2. Excavating in small stages and installing lagging.
  3. Backfilling and compacting the void space behind the lagging.

The soldier piles can either be placed in drilled holes or installed by driving the beams into the ground. The soil must have sufficient cohesion and stability to retain a vertical face until the lagging can be installed between the soldier piles.

Soldier Pile and Timber Lagging is an earth retention system consisting of steel H-piles driven or placed in drilled holes. After the soldier beams have been installed, the earth is excavated along one side of the beams to expose a cut face of earth, and to partially expose the front faces of the beams. Then lagging is installed with timber.

Moment resistance in soldier pile and lagging walls is provided solely by the soldier piles. Passive soil resistance is obtained by embedding the soldier piles beneath the excavation grade. The lagging bridges and retains soil across piles and transfers the lateral load to the soldier pile system.

Photo of Soil Retention System being built in Kilbride

Soldier pile and lagging walls are the most inexpensive systems in Kilbride compared to other retaining walls. They are also very easy and fast to construct. The major advantages of soldier pile walls are:

  1. Soldier piles are fast to construct.
  2. Soldier pile construction is cheaper when compared to other systems.
  3. Soldier pile installation is versatile and adjustments can be made in the field easily to accommodate changes.
  4. Lagging construction in Kilbride can be very quick.
  5. Construction of soldier pile and lagging walls does not require very advanced construction techniques.

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